These sessions are hosted the fourth Friday of the month unless noted otherwise. They begin at 6:30pm and last approximately 2 hours. Follow us on Facebook or email us to be reminded for specific dates and time.
Here's some feedback we've received from these sessions...
“Fill My Cup is a place that I longed for as a
young woman. I recognized how the older women that were supposed to be teaching
us were missing in my teenage years and early 20s. Although it was not originally
designed up to my age, the Founder has been so gracious to let us stay and
mentor the younger ones. We are a family that genuinely loves one another
through correction, support, and prayer. Actually what ends up happening is we
change every stereotype be it racial, gender, or religious! I love my sisters
and look forward to meeting new ones. The cup not only gets filled but
-R. Jenkins; Piedmont, SC-
me, Fill My Cup is somewhere I can go and discuss my problems judgment free. It
allows me to see that I am not the only one going through certain things and it
allows me to get advice from people who are women of Christ and that have
"been there, done that." I encourage people to come because it's easy
to talk to someone one on one about things, but when there are a group of
people that are not only there to encourage, but listen, it sometimes gives
insight and input that wasn't considered before. Simply put, it's a great
environment that gives me great relief and encouragement!!!
-E. Jones; Greenville,
SC- "God had been wooing me to move out of my comfort zone to become healed of my wounds from women of my past and I finally listened. I wasn't sure where to go or how to start this process at first. He knew Ms. Tammy would be holding the Fill My Cup event soon and it's amazing how His timing is always on time. So I received the invite while attending another event that was way out of my comfort zone, but was so thankful I trusted my Father. I had the best time at Fill My Cup laughing, crying, and flipping through the Bible to find encouraging Words and hearing others’ struggles that were just like me. Bonding with women of the same faith was a defining moment in my life that I'll treasure for eternity. We are not alone in our struggle yet that's how the enemy wants us to feel. I left that night not only with my cup filled but it was running over with love, peace, joy, acceptance and new found friendships.” –D. Bobo; Greenville, SC-
“Fill My Cup is like a support group for me. Other young ladies with goals and vision attend and we draw strength and knowledge from each other. In today's time, it's rare to find people who are pursuing the will of God for their life, and willing to walk by faith. Fill My Cup presents scripture to where I am in my life and how it applies to me personally. There's a wealth of knowledge among the leader and those who help her (Mrs Val, guest speakers). These ladies help hold me accountable and keep me looking on the positive, righteous side of life!” -C. Williams; Taylors, SC-